4 titels gevonden in Tot € 20 Directe download Verhalenbundel Engels vanaf € 6,26

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  • The Writer of Wirlt (e-Book)
    The Writer of Wirlt presents 10 inspiring stories with an unusual look at the creation and the relationship between Creator and creature. He uses the metaphor of a writer who gives his... Meer
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    Januari 2020

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  • Naughty Bedtime Stories (e-Book)
    One hundred short stories with sometimes an undercurrent of sarcasm. Because no matter how bizarre you can think of it, and this writer has been entrusted with that, reality turns out to... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Mei 2021

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  • Ghosts I have Met and Some Others
    The supernatural is an everyday occurrence for John Kendrick Bangs, who just can’t avoid seeing ghosts everywhere! A witty, turn-of-the-century spoof of the gothic horror anthology, ”Ghosts... Meer
    Mei 2020

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  • Tales of the Five Towns
    At turns humorous, poignant, gripping, and occasionally tragic, this collection of short stories is peopled by a rich cast of characters. No one is all good or all bad in this volume, which... Meer
    Mei 2020

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