3 titels gevonden in Tot € 20 Engels Tessa Gottschal vanaf € 14,35

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  • Mindfulness
    True mindfulness comes from knowing which focus point works best for you: your eyes, ears, movement or a combination of these. Knowing this makes meditation a ‘piece of cake’. Meer
    Augustus 2023

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  • Hara Chakra
    The body has an incredible capacity to regenerate itself. The power for this lies in the Hara Chakra. Yoga has known this for ages. Everyone can learn it. Key is focusing, imagining and... Meer
    Mei 2024

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  • Neutrality
    Neutrality, the ability to stay impartial is vital for one’s personal growth. Being unprejudiced towards others, as well as to oneself, helps eliminating and overcoming differences. Inner... Meer
    Augustus 2023

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