2 titels gevonden in Tot € 40 Paul Homan vanaf € 38,10

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  • EPUB(1)

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  • Ecosystems Architecture (e-Book)
    "Today, modern business is adrift in a sea of connectivity and potential. Where once an organization's IT needs could be met from within its four walls, we now see many mission-critical... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    November 2023

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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  • Ecosystems Architecture
    "Today, modern business is adrift in a sea of connectivity and potential. Where once an organization’s IT needs could be met from within its four walls, we now see many mission-critical... Meer
    December 2023

    Niet beschikbaar

    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
    Niet beschikbaar