3 titels gevonden in 2021 Jantinus Mulder vanaf € 9,99

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  • Warship 10 (e-Book)
    She was officially classified as a submarine hunter (onderzeebootjager), but was so close to contemporary destroyers in terms of her specifications that both allies and potential opponents... Meer
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    Maart 2021

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  • Warship 11
    The six ‘Roofdier’ class ‘frigates’ were all built in the USA with MDAP funds. They were designed to escort slow coastal convoys in Channel and North Sea areas and were operated as a single... Meer
    December 2020

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  • Warship 12
    Both Tromp-class frigates entered service in 1975/76. Their primary task was area air defence. They acted as flagships for the COMNLTG (Commander Netherlands Task Group). Because of their... Meer
    Oktober 2021

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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