6 titels gevonden in Adobe PDF Love vanaf € 7,50

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  • The concept of love in 17th and 18th century philosophy (e-Book)
    Love is joy with the accompanying idea of an external cause. Spinoza's definition of love (Ethics Book 3, Prop. LIX) manifests a major paradigm shift achieved by seventeenth century Europe... Meer
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    April 2018

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  • When Love is so Blind (e-Book)
    When Love is so Blind by Constance J. Hampton The first book in the Series Wellington's Officers. When Lizzie Campbell decides out of spite to seduce Lieutenant Lochiel Cameron of the... Meer
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    April 2018

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  • The wings of love (e-Book)
    THE BACK COVER'S INSCRIPTION It is insignificant to blame an imaginary devil for your woes and miseries in your love and sex relationship. The power of love is so real, natural, and creates... Meer
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    September 2023

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  • The love sailing boat (e-Book)
    Let us talk about love. Love is the universal language. Love is freedom of expression. The unconditional acceptance of a neighbour for mutual understanding and respect is through the power... Meer
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    September 2023

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  • Love (e-Book)
    Love and happiness: few people will not be looking for these things in their life. Sometimes the search takes up a lifetime. Especially where unconditional love and happiness are concerned,... Meer
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    April 2019

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  • Social Day Love (e-Book)
    Mr. dr. drs. G.G. Vos (GuidoFox) besloot na zijn promotieonderzoek binnen de Rechtsgeleerdheid een nieuw onderzoek te verrichten: een empirisch onderzoek naar de psyche van de vrouw in de... Meer
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    April 2022

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