7 titels gevonden in Adobe PDF Engels Tot € 40 2021 vanaf € 25,00

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  • Participate! (e-Book)
    Participate! Portraits of Cities and Citizens in Action is een inleiding tot de complexe wereld van de stadsontwikkeling, identiteit en participatie. In het boek wordt uitgelegd hoe in het... Meer
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    December 2020

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  • Japan (e-Book)
    In Japan: Nation Building Nature worden denkbeelden over de natuur die de alom geprezen maar vaak verkeerd begrepen moderne architectuur van Japan hebben gevormd voor het eerst in kaart... Meer
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    Januari 2021

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  • International Development Cooperation Today (e-Book)
    Over the past 60 years high-income countries have invested over 4000 billion euros in development aid. With varying degrees of success, these investments in low-income countries contributed... Meer
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    Maart 2021

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  • The Art of Being Dangerous (e-Book)
    The idea that women are dangerous - individually or collectively - runs throughout history and across cultures. Behind this label lies a significant set of questions about the dynamics,... Meer
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    April 2021

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  • The Body as a Mirror of the Soul (e-Book)
    The idea of the body as a mirror of the soul has fascinated mankind throughout history. Being able to see through an individual, and drawing conclusions on their character solely based on a... Meer
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    September 2021

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  • Neo-Thomism in Action (e-Book)
    In his encyclical Aeterni Patris (1879), Pope Leo XIII expressed the conviction that the renewed study of the philosophical legacy of Saint Thomas Aquinas would help Catholics to engage in a... Meer
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    Oktober 2021

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  • Experience Music Experiment (e-Book)
    "Truth happens to an idea." So wrote William James in 1907; and twenty-four years later John Dewey argued that artistic experience entailed a process of "doing and undergoing." But what do... Meer
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    Augustus 2021

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