16 titels gevonden in Bedrijfskunde Zonder DRM 2020 Engels vanaf € 4,46

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  • Partner van een expat? (e-Book)
    Can you plan your professional future as expat partner? Can you pursue a career in your new environment? What are your expectations and priorities?The effect of giving up some certainties by... Meer
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    Februari 2020

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  • Organisational Aesthetics (e-Book)
    Organisations have long been dominated by the perspectives of the Good (quality) and the True (efficiency). The perspective of the Beautiful, an aesthetic lens on organisations, has largely... Meer
    April 2020

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  • Dare for Tomorrow (e-Book)
    How much longer do you want to put it off? How long can you manage your organization, your team or your life without making some fundamental change? Above all, how long can you avoid being... Meer
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    Maart 2020

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  • Cool is hot (e-Book)
    Ambitious, inspirational brain twists with a mission! Cool is Hot is much more than just another book. Each brain candy leaves you bubbling with newfound energy. Just like in the bestseller... Meer
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    September 2012

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  • Victor Muller's chess game with spyker and saab (e-Book)
    The world's a stage and I must play my part. This must have been the thought of Victor Muller. His intriguing and clever moves in his business life are hard to follow if you don’t know what... Meer
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    Augustus 2013

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  • Imagineering the butterfly effect (e-Book)
    `Making change happen is an important challenge strategists face today. Not only do many of our organizations need change, whole industries and systems need to transform in order to survive... Meer
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    Oktober 2014

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  • Corporate venturing (e-Book)
    Most companies wake up to the necessity of creating new business through corporate venturing. On the same hand many companies struggle how to create new business areas next to or even... Meer
    November 2016

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  • Dare to jump ENG (e-Book)
    Empower success in disruptive times Set your priorities Create resilience, embrace change Accept your fear Use uncertainty to reinvent yourself Own your actions Discover the Why Power Give... Meer
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    September 2020

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  • Great to Cool (e-Book)
    René C.W. Boender (1958) was barely twenty years old when his international career in marketing and advertising took off. The American McCann company offered him the chance of a lifetime! He... Meer
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    Mei 2011

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  • Contract and commercial management / deel The operational guide (e-Book)
    Almost 80% of CEOs say that their organization must get better at managing external relationships. According to The Economist, one of the major reasons why so many relationships end in... Meer
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    Oktober 2011

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  • Contract and Commercial Management (e-Book)
    Almost 80% of CEOs say that their organization must get better at managing external relationships. According to The Economist, one of the major reasons why so many relationships end in... Meer
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    Mei 2012

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  • The Balancing act of Innovation (e-Book)
    Een absolute aanrader voor moderne bedrijven die vooruit willen!;;;Innoveren kan op duizend en één manieren. De kunst is om op zoek te gaan naar uw eigen stijl en uw eigen 'road to... Meer
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    Januari 2011

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  • Business planning for digital libraries (e-Book)
    This book brings together international experience of business planning for digital libraries: the business case, the planning processes involved, the costs and benefi ts, practice and... Meer
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    April 2018

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  • From Marginal Gains to a Circular Revolution (e-Book)
    Imagine a bike that has been made from plant-based materials or reused and recy cled parts. Imagine that the material wearing from your tyres or brake pads is biodegradable. That the... Meer
    Juni 2020

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  • Sociocracy 3.0 - The Novel (e-Book)
    Along with rapid growth, HRS is experiencing slow decision-making, demotivated people and a failed product release. Chris, the brand new CEO, has to save the company and make it successful... Meer
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    November 2019

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  • Solving complex problems (e-Book)
    We live in an ever-changing world, where people with different interests and goals have to deal with an unpredictable future. In this world, everybody is solving problems every day. But... Meer
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    Juni 2015

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