5 titels gevonden in Biografie EPUB 2023 Engels vanaf € 3,99

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  • Selves in My Self (e-Book)
    The one who was a girl, Brida or Bridhi of her name, and that became a woman, a mother and a grandmother, wrote several poems throughout her life about what marked her most in her... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2023

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  • Pardidoe (e-Book)
    Is it better to spend your life moving from place to place, forever having new adventures, meeting interesting people and accepting new challenges, or would it be a curse -- to be always... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    December 2023

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  • A countdown (e-Book)
    The Author, born in the 40s, In a family of nine children, in 1950 he emigrated from Spain to Argentina. The family returned after a few years. After his return, he spent his childhood and... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    September 2023

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  • Cycle Breaker (e-Book)
    Everyone has setbacks in life, but only few have childhoods as nightmarish as Gurjot Kaur's. Growing up in two different cultures, she faced mental and sexual abuse, cultural taboos, an... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Augustus 2023

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  • FEARLESS (e-Book)
    "EMPOWER YOURSELF WITH FEARLESS: EMBRACING SUCCESS THROUGH A PROBLEM-SOLVING MINDSET! Enter the world of 'Fearless,' a life-transforming book crafted by Jonnathan, a true warrior who... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juli 2023

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