6 titels gevonden in e-Book Tot € 30 Jantinus Mulder vanaf € 9,99

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  • Warship 14 (e-Book)
    The Van Speijk class frigates were equipped with Dutch electronics/sensors. The British Leander design was chosen to enable rapid construction to replace elderly escorts for ASW duties and... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • Warship 9 (e-Book)
    The primary role of the Type 42 destroyers was providing air defense for the fleet. With their long-range sensors, the ships could also act as radar pickets, sailing ahead of a task group.... Meer
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    Juni 2023

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  • Warship 5 (e-Book)
    Protected cruiser (Pantserdekschip) HNLMS Gelderland was a Holland-class cruiser of the Royal Netherlands Navy. This class, of six ships, was considered a modest, but well thought-out... Meer
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    Juni 2023

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  • S-class destroyer Piet Hein (ex HMS Serapis) (e-Book)
    Ordered by the Royal Navy in 1941, the destroyers of the 5th Emergency Flotilla became known as S-class and served as fleet and convoy escorts in World War II. In the last months of the... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2024

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  • Kleur! gebruik en werken met verf (e-Book)
    Soms zijn er eindeloze discussies over het gebruik van kleur. Een aantal jaren geleden waren er enkele modelbouwers die, met een kleurenwaaier van de schilder, aan boord van een marineschip... Meer
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    Juli 2017

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  • Warship 7 (e-Book)
    HNLMS Zuiderkruis (1975-2012) was the second Fast Combat Support Ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy. It was primarily intended for Replenishment At Sea, fueling task groups and NATO units.... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juni 2023

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