3 titels gevonden in e-Book Tot € 5 Biografie 2023 Engels vanaf € 3,99

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  • Selves in My Self (e-Book)
    The one who was a girl, Brida or Bridhi of her name, and that became a woman, a mother and a grandmother, wrote several poems throughout her life about what marked her most in her... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2023

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  • Pardidoe (e-Book)
    Is it better to spend your life moving from place to place, forever having new adventures, meeting interesting people and accepting new challenges, or would it be a curse -- to be always... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    December 2023

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  • A countdown (e-Book)
    The Author, born in the 40s, In a family of nine children, in 1950 he emigrated from Spain to Argentina. The family returned after a few years. After his return, he spent his childhood and... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    September 2023

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