2 titels gevonden in Engels David Beckett vanaf € 28,25

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  • Pitch to Win (e-Book)
    Hi, my name is David Beckett, I'm a Pitch Coach, and I'm here to ensure your ideas have a voice. The big pitch is coming up. You've got just a few minutes to convince that investor or... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juni 2018

    Niet beschikbaar

    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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  • Pitch Like a Startup
    Hi, my name is David Beckett, I’m a pitch coach, and I’m here to ensure your ideas have a voice. The big pitch is coming up. You’ve got just a few minutes to convince that investor or your... Meer
    Mei 2018

    Niet beschikbaar

    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
    Niet beschikbaar