6 titels gevonden in Engels Directe download Maas vanaf € 9,95

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  • Overtones (e-Book)
    Charlie, Oskar, Robert, Lucy and a man who calls himself The Swiss. Five people. Five separate worlds. All are pushing the boundaries of their current lives: an open-minded young pupil, an... Meer
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    Juni 2022

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  • The Sugar Planter's Daughter
    As the white daughter of a sugar plantation owner, Winnie Cox had everything: money, privilege, comfort. But in British Guyana in 1912, Winnie chose love over luxury... Meer
    Augustus 2023

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  • The Orphan of India
    'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents... Meer
    Augustus 2023

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  • We want world wonders (e-Book)
    The Pyramids of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Eiffel Tower – these are current world wonders . . . They seem to play a role on the scale of the planet. They are the dreams of... Meer
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    Februari 2015

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  • Barba (e-Book)
    Hoe kan nanotechnologie gebouwen en steden in de toekomst veranderen? Stel je een nieuwe stof voor, dat je zelf kunt aansturen en veranderen. Stel je voor dat dit een nanomateriaal wordt,... Meer
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    Oktober 2015

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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  • Engage! (e-Book)
    Engage! is the Lonely Planet for organizational change. This practical and accessible travel guide for change agents offers a unique mix of scientific and practical insights. After all,... Meer
    September 2019

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