8 titels gevonden in Engels EPUB David vanaf € 4,99

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  • The silent screams from Myanmar (e-Book)
    Fear, Love, Hope, Arrests, Intimidation, Friendship, Despair and Violence. Based on true events, the Silent Screams from Myanmar tells the frightening story of refugees. They are... Meer
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    April 2013

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  • How to not kill yourself (English edition) (e-Book)
    Men don’t have mental health problems. Well maybe they do, but they struggle to talk about them and to ask for help. David Mangene wants to help this situation by removing the taboo, and... Meer
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    April 2020

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  • Pitch to Win (e-Book)
    Hi, my name is David Beckett, I'm a Pitch Coach, and I'm here to ensure your ideas have a voice. The big pitch is coming up. You've got just a few minutes to convince that investor or... Meer
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    Juni 2018

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  • The integrity of power (e-Book)
    We cannot avoid power; it pervades our life, from childhood into old age. We can feel powerless, or all-powerful. We can love power, or hate it. As long as we remain unaware of our own... Meer
    Juli 2016

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  • Passing the ITIL foundation excam / 2011 (e-Book)
    This book helps people prepare for the ITIL® 2011 Edition Foundation qualification exam. It contains direct links to the full syllabus and specifies the terms and definitions required. ... Meer
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    Februari 2012

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  • Beyonders (e-Book)
    Speak up, you can become a Beyonder! In many organisations and countries people are desperately searching for leaders that can provide solutions to transcend the many financial, political... Meer
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    November 2011

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  • Contract and Commercial Management (e-Book)
    Almost 80% of CEOs say that their organization must get better at managing external relationships. According to The Economist, one of the major reasons why so many relationships end in... Meer
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    Mei 2012

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  • The Enneagram in the Workplace (e-Book)
    Organizations become more agile and teams more self-organizing. Insight into yourself and others is therefore more important than ever. The Enneagram is a proven model that describes nine... Meer
    Augustus 2018

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