3 titels gevonden in Engels Zonder DRM Jeanne Boden vanaf € 12,00

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  • Chinese Propaganda Seducing the World (e-Book)
    Chinese Propaganda Seducing the World offers a fascinating analysis of the Chinese Communist Party's use of propaganda to legitimize its position and strengthen its power in China and the... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2019

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  • Cultural Quantum (e-Book)
    Every culture has its own logic. Terms and concepts, such as leadership, ownership, consensus, decision-making, and many others that we use daily in international management and... Meer
    Januari 2021

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  • Contemporary Chinese Art (e-Book)
    In the early 1990s artist Xu Bing stamped two pigs with respectively nonsensical Latin words and fake Chinese characters and allowed them to mate in an art gallery. The performance of ‘two... Meer
    Mei 2022

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