2 titels gevonden in Engels Zonder DRM Jaap Spier vanaf € 75,50

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  • Climate Litigation (e-Book)
    Climate change poses tremendous legal challenges. The law is still largely unsettled. Seeing the global consequences of GHG emissions, many enterprises may face litigation before courts in... Meer
    Adobe PDF met digitaal watermerk|
    December 2022

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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  • Shaping the law for global crises (e-Book)
    In the course of the last one hundred years, quite a lot has been achieved especially in the 'Western' world. Life standards have risen considerably. All kind of serious diseases belong to... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2012

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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