3 titels gevonden in EPUB Engels Adjiedj Bakas vanaf € 9,99

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  • The end of privacy (e-Book)
    Collectively, the 400 million Europeans have already left 50 billion online internet tracks. Linking together all of that different data and using it to produce a business model is becoming... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juni 2012

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  • The future of faith (e-Book)
    Many people fear the future, but renowned futurologist Adjiedj Bakas and journalist Minne Buwalda believe that we are on the brink of an inspiring new age. The economic and political... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Januari 2012

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  • The future of love (e-Book)
    Until 1850 you died at the average age of 40 and could be with your loved one for a maximum of 15 years. Now we die at 90 and soon at the age of 120. Can we love the same person for 100... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2012

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