4 titels gevonden in EPUB Engels Daniel vanaf € 5,00

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  • Good Talk (e-Book)
    Human beings are conversational animals: We live our lives one conversation at a time. Take a moment and collect all of the conversations that matter most to you, in your work and life.... Meer
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    April 2020

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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  • Transfer of land rights in Ethiopia (e-Book)
    Land rights in general and transferability of land rights in particular have been a mind boggling subject for intellectuals, donors, and politicians in Ethiopia. The question of land and the... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Augustus 2015

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    Actie: Geen verzendkosten!
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  • With a View of the Ocean (e-Book)
    After the hitchhiking journeys described in the book "Lonesome Streets Blues", the author found his place on Earth in a small Portuguese town. He landed there by responding to an... Meer
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    Mei 2024

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  • Bringing IT Architecture to life (e-Book)
    The complexity of modern IT landscapes forces organizations to implement changes and innovations in a well-defined and structured way, applying architecture. But that's easier said than... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    December 2018

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