3 titels gevonden in EPUB Engels Isabel Boons vanaf € 11,99

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  • Gin & Tonic - English version - Update (E-boek - ePub-formaat) (e-Book)
    Gin & tonic, the long drink of the 80's, is hipper than ever. Cocktail bars and restaurants are creating astonishingly varied gin menus, and the present trend in the flourishing market... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Augustus 2015

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  • Wodka (e-Book)
    For a long time already, vodka has been more than just Russia and Poland's national drink. From Asia and Great-Britain to the United States: this fire water has conquered the world and is... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    September 2018

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  • Rum (e-Book)
    The diversity of flavours and colours of rum is as rich as the history and culture that surrounds this alcoholic beverage.This guide provides an overview of more than 300 different types of... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Augustus 2018

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