3 titels gevonden in MP3 Engels Daniel Defoe vanaf € 1,99

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  • LUST Classics: Moll Flanders
    "I saw the Cloud, though I did not foresee the Storm." The daughter of a convicted mother, Moll Flanders – a tough and self-assertive young woman – must learn early on how to look out for... Meer
    Mei 2020

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  • The Storm
    "The Storm" (1704) is a founding document of modern journalism. It tells of the events of November 1703, when a hurricane struck Britain... Meer
    Augustus 2023

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  • Robinson Crusoe
    "Robinson Crusoe" is Daniel Defoe’s best and most popular novel. It is structured like an autobiography of the main character, depicting his castaway adventures on a lonely island for 28... Meer
    Augustus 2023

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