7 titels gevonden in Nieuw binnen Zonder DRM EPUB Engels vanaf € 9,95

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  • Missionaries and Resistance in Guatemala (e-Book)
    In Guatemala, the 36-year armed conflict from 1960 to 1996 claimed 200,000 lives, over two per cent of the population, and displaced a million more. In the 1970s and the 1980s the widespread... Meer
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    Oktober 2024

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  • SS Australis (e-Book)
    The ss 'Australis' was a well known ocean liner which entered service in 1940 as the ss 'America' for the United States Lines. The ship was sold to the Greek Chandris Lines in 1964 and... Meer
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    Oktober 2024

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  • Fifty drops of Love and Light (e-Book)
    'Fifty drops of Love and Light' is een e-book met Engelse gedichten, filosofisch-religieus getint, die beogen de lezer bewuster te maken van de universele verbondenheid, eenheid en heelheid... Meer
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    Oktober 2024

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  • The CARE Principles - Leadership Playbook (e-Book)
    Are you ready to lead with purpose and trust? Do you want to grow 3 times faster than your competitors? Are you ready to inspire all generations in your teams? Step into a new era of... Meer
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    Oktober 2024

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  • You are the best thing that's happened to you (e-Book)
    ‘Of ik nu een beroemdheid, een vluchteling, een CEO of een politicus coachte, één concept werd meoverduidelijk: je boodschap, welke die ook is, begint in je hoofd. De manier waarop je... Meer
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    Oktober 2024

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  • When Love turns to Ashes (e-Book)
    A whirlwind romance ignited by passion, tested by heartbreak, and bound by an unexpected bond. From unforgettable love to mind-blowing intimacy, this tale explores a connection that... Meer
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    Oktober 2024

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  • On Tuesday Closed (e-Book)
    On Tuesday Closed Every day between five o'clock in the afternoon and nine o'clock in the evening, a motley crew of people fully occupies the bar of bar-bistro 'Whites'. People of all... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Oktober 2024

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