4 titels gevonden in Paperback Kayvan Kian vanaf € 12,99

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  • ¿Qué es el agua?
    Vivimos en un mundo que se siente cada vez más volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo (VICA). Para la gente joven, el malestar que les causa este mundo, conlleva serias dificultades. Muchos... Meer
    Juli 2022

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  • What Is Wisdom?
    Life is full of important decisions, and they all have consequences. Large or small, positive or negative, intended or unintended. Would you consider yourself wise when it comes to the... Meer
    December 2021

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  • What Is Water?
    We live in a world that feels increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). For young people, the sense of unease this world creates comes with serious difficulties. Many... Meer
    Juni 2019

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  • What Is Wonder?
    How well do you know yourself? How well do you want to know yourself? Why? Knowing yourself more fully can lead to better leadership, relationships, and decision-making. You can also pursue... Meer
    November 2023
    Levertijd: 5-8 werkdagen