4 titels gevonden in 2024 Tot € 30 Kees van der Wal vanaf € 9,95

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  • First Murder (e-Book)
    The first of a series of books about Special Detective Chau, a beautiful fifteen-year-old Vietnamese girl. Chau is the daughter of a Vietnamese woman and her Dutch husband. The family moved... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Maart 2024

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  • Murder in the Resort (e-Book)
    ‘Before the man could reach Alan Parks close enough, they all saw SD Chau, almost flying through the room. With a high and measured jump she reached Dent before he could lay his hands on... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juni 2024

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  • Moord Overzee - Speciaal Rechercheur Chau - Boek 8 (e-Book)
    Het achtste boek in de serie over Speciaal Rechercheur Chau gaat over het onderzoek naar uiteindelijk drie moorden, waarbij Speciaal Rechercheur Chau al snel verdachte nummer één blijkt te... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juli 2024

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  • On Tuesday Closed (e-Book)
    On Tuesday Closed Every day between five o'clock in the afternoon and nine o'clock in the evening, a motley crew of people fully occupies the bar of bar-bistro 'Whites'. People of all... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Oktober 2024

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