Healing all parts (e-Book)

My journey in trauma and bringing IFS to the Netherlands

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Annechien Scholte-van der Veen

EPUB met digitaal watermerk | September 2024 |

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Covered with the cloak of love, neither seen nor heard. The trauma that we do not call trauma often costs us the most and above all makes us lose the connection with our 'Self'.This book is for anyone who struggles and gets increasingly stuck within themselves, sometimes even without knowing why. The book describes all facets of surviving in short stories. The collected stories give hope, off er insight into (intergenerational) trauma and give an introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) in a personal and understandable way."Very brave and clear how, based on your own experiences, you depict your healing process so beautifully and make a large amount of knowledge accessible to others. People will certainly recognize themselves in your book and will be able to use it to learn from and thus better understand and trust their own process! Practitioners and therapists with an interest in parts work will certainly be fascinated by your book and it will give them more insight in the complex system of parts. Sincerely: 'Chapeau!'"Annechien Scholte-van der Veen MSc now has a successful practice as a coach and trainer. Her mission is to put IFS on the map in the Netherlands. because there is still so much to gain in recognizing (the impact) of complex trauma and treating it with respect for all parts.

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Annechien Scholte-van der Veen
Uitgeverij Karibu
EPUB met digitaal watermerk
September 2024
1102688 bytes
Aantal Pagina's


Covered with the cloak of love, neither seen nor heard. The trauma that we do not call trauma often costs us the most and above all makes us lose the connection with our 'Self'.

This book is for anyone who struggles and gets increasingly stuck within themselves, sometimes even without knowing why. The book describes all facets of surviving in short stories. The collected stories give hope, off er insight into (intergenerational) trauma and give an introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) in a personal and understandable way.

"Very brave and clear how, based on your own experiences, you depict your healing process so beautifully and make a large amount of knowledge accessible to others. People will certainly recognize themselves in your book and will be able to use it to learn from and thus better understand and trust their own process! Practitioners and therapists with an interest in parts work will certainly be fascinated by your book and it will give them more insight in the complex system of parts. Sincerely: 'Chapeau!'"

Annechien Scholte-van der Veen MSc now has a successful practice as a coach and trainer. Her mission is to put IFS on the map in the Netherlands. because there is still so much to gain in recognizing (the impact) of complex trauma and treating it with respect for all parts.

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Annechien Scholte-van der Veen
Uitgeverij Karibu
EPUB met digitaal watermerk
September 2024
1102688 bytes Kb
Aantal Pagina's

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