Hybrid mindset (e-Book)

Educate yourself for dealing with life

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Brian Prijor

EPUB met digitaal watermerk | Juni 2023 |

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Life is a journey, a succession of moments intertwined to form a unique narrative that we all carry with us. Each life follows its own path, and each day on that path is a challenge, big or small. From the moment of our birth, we are prepared for this journey. Our parents, caregivers, and teachers give us the knowledge and skills they possess to equip us for the future. Much of what we learn as children stays with us, rooted in our everyday lives, and serves as a guide in our teen and adult years. But no matter how thorough the upbringing, there are always moments when we face situations for which we are not prepared, challenges for which no prior experience or knowledge has equipped us. The reality is that not every parent, caregiver, or teacher can know or experience everything. It's an impossible task to prepare a child for all possible scenarios. And it is in light of this acknowledgment that this book has been born. This book creates your new self. The aim of these words is not to change you, but to give you a wellspring of wisdom from which to draw when you are confronted with the unknown. It provides education on the most common life scenarios, both big and small.

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Brian Prijor
EPUB met digitaal watermerk
Juni 2023
415764 bytes
Aantal Pagina's


Life is a journey, a succession of moments intertwined to form a unique narrative that we all carry with us. Each life follows its own path, and each day on that path is a challenge, big or small. From the moment of our birth, we are prepared for this journey. Our parents, caregivers, and teachers give us the knowledge and skills they possess to equip us for the future. Much of what we learn as children stays with us, rooted in our everyday lives, and serves as a guide in our teen and adult years. But no matter how thorough the upbringing, there are always moments when we face situations for which we are not prepared, challenges for which no prior experience or knowledge has equipped us. The reality is that not every parent, caregiver, or teacher can know or experience everything. It's an impossible task to prepare a child for all possible scenarios. And it is in light of this acknowledgment that this book has been born. This book creates your new self. The aim of these words is not to change you, but to give you a wellspring of wisdom from which to draw when you are confronted with the unknown. It provides education on the most common life scenarios, both big and small.

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Brian Prijor
EPUB met digitaal watermerk
Juni 2023
415764 bytes Kb
Aantal Pagina's

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