5 titels gevonden in Tot € 20 Leidinggeven Marieta Koopmans vanaf € 14,00

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  • Entrepreneurial Leadership (e-Book)
    Entrepreneurship is a latent skill present in a lot of people. Just look at how enterprising people are in their spare time, without being asked or paid for it! Organisations should do more... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Mei 2010

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  • Team Leadership (e-Book)
    People enjoy working in teams. An ideal team will work together efficiently, effectively and above all with pleasure. They set about achieving their personal and organisational goals... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Mei 2010

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  • Coachend leiderschap (e-Book)
    Coachend leiderschap, je kunt er niet meer omheen. In steeds meer organisaties is coachen dé stijl van leidinggeven, gericht op het ontwikkelen van medewerkers naar grotere zelfstandigheid. ... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juli 2011

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  • Personal leadership (e-Book)
    Professional leadership starts with personal leadership. What is your vision of leadership? Which values do you find important? What do you believe about yourself? How do you think companies... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    November 2010

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  • Coaching-style Leadership (e-Book)
    There's no way of avoiding it any more. Coaching has become the management style that is applied in an increasing number of organisations. The aim: to encourage staff to become more... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Juni 2010

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