8 titels gevonden in vanaf € 10,00

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  • Egyptian arch-gnosis, fourth part / 4 (e-Book)
    THE EGYPTIAN ARCH-GNOSIS 4 'What is the aim of the process of soul-rebirth? Surely it is to bring your self into a condition in which your whole being is capable of meeting and receiving... Meer
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    Maart 2018
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  • The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis 3 (e-Book)
    The impediments on the path are described by the author in volume three, based on the books 10, 11 and 12 of the Corpus Hermeticum. He makes clear to the reader that a new attitude of life... Meer
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    Februari 2020
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  • De Chinese gnosis (e-Book)
    Een verhelderend commentaar op de Tao Teh King van Lao Tse, waarin overtuigend wordt aangetoond dat de gnostieke boodschap èn universeel èn van alle tijden is – en waarin de nog steeds... Meer
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    Juni 2015
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  • the brotherhood of Shamballa (e-Book)
    THE BROTHERHOOD OF SHAMBALLA A cosmic revolution is announcing itself and at this turning point in human history the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross once more finds itself... Meer
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    December 2017
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  • Confession of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross (e-Book)
    Confession of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross To the scholars of Europe Hail to the Reader! Here, 0 reader, you will find thirty-seven grounds on which our insight is based. Where they... Meer
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    December 2017
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  • The Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation (e-Book)
    All the original religions, authentic Christianity included, have built up a field of contact and en-counter between the spiritual and the transient world, which enables people with a... Meer
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    Mei 2019
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  • De komende nieuwe mens (e-Book)
    Wat weet u van vrijheid, van bevrijding? Wat is vrijheid voor u? Overstijgen uw gedachten bij de woorden vrijheid en bevrijding de begrippenwereld van onze samenleving, dan is dit boek De... Meer
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    Mei 2015
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  • de Gnostieke mysterien van de Pistis Sophia (e-Book)
    Het zo belangrijke gnostische evangelie Pistis Sophia is weliswaar ongeschonden tot ons gekomen, maar voor de lezer van deze tijd gesluierd geschreven. Het commentaar van Jan van... Meer
    EPUB met digitaal watermerk|
    Augustus 2015
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