18 titels gevonden in Engels Met digitaal watermerk vanaf € 4,50

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  • The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis 3 (e-Book)
    The impediments on the path are described by the author in volume three, based on the books 10, 11 and 12 of the Corpus Hermeticum. He makes clear to the reader that a new attitude of life... Meer
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    Februari 2020

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  • If Criticism hurts (e-Book)
    We all get criticized. That's part of life. Parents, partners, friends, haters, strangers, they all have an opinion on what you do, what you don't do, and what you should do. But if the... Meer
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    Maart 2020

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  • The mystery of life perpetual motion (e-Book)
    Dit in het engels geschreven manuscript werd door middel van automatisch schrift doorgegeven aan de schrijfster Loura Lista. Zij schreef dit manuscript in 2 dagen waarna zij het een jaar... Meer
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    Juli 2013

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  • The heaven walker (e-Book)
    Once every so often a special child is born, a soul from the highest heavens which is wiser than the world can know; an unusual child who knows the way to the heavens and all the wisdom of... Meer
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    Juli 2013

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  • The meaning of your life (e-Book)
    What is the meaning of life? - a question everyone will ask him or herself at times. Everyone wants to have a purpose in life. At times, it is difficult to understand the deeper meaning of... Meer
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    Februari 2016

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  • God meets God (e-Book)
    Hanging on the wall was the mosaic of the Last Supper that Christian wanted to see. In fact the version that intrigued him the most. Judas holding a small box in his hands, looking away from... Meer
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    Juli 2014

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  • Spiritual Christmas (e-Book)
    Inspiration and renewal The Christmas season is the perfect time to focus on the things that really matter in life. During this dark time of year we receive an ideal opportunity for... Meer
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    December 2017

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  • the brotherhood of Shamballa (e-Book)
    THE BROTHERHOOD OF SHAMBALLA A cosmic revolution is announcing itself and at this turning point in human history the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross once more finds itself... Meer
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    December 2017

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  • Confession of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross (e-Book)
    Confession of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross To the scholars of Europe Hail to the Reader! Here, 0 reader, you will find thirty-seven grounds on which our insight is based. Where they... Meer
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    December 2017

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  • Spiritual Easter and Pentecost (e-Book)
    The genesis of the resurrection body The resurrection of the inner man is the very reason for our life on earth. The resurrection is the essence of man and brings lustre, strength and inner... Meer
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    Maart 2018

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  • The Divinity Of Mankind Part I (e-Book)
    Jesus did not die for our sins - The true meaning of the crucifixion - Mary Magdalene has always been Jesus' partner - Mary states clearly that she did not conceive her child Jesus as a... Meer
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    Maart 2018

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  • The Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation (e-Book)
    All the original religions, authentic Christianity included, have built up a field of contact and en-counter between the spiritual and the transient world, which enables people with a... Meer
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    Mei 2019

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  • JeZelf zijn (e-Book)
    JeZelf zijn (via het sjamanistische pad) combineert levensaspecten en opgedane levenswijsheid met kennis, opvattingen en inzichten vanuit het sjamanisme in een verhaal. De lezer wordt op die... Meer
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    September 2019

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  • Het pad van je hart (e-Book)
    De grote reis van het leven is er om uiteindelijk vervulling te vinden in wie je werkelijk bent. Daarvoor hebben we ons te verbinden met vele delen van onszelf. Het verhaal beschrijft de... Meer
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    September 2019

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  • Love (e-Book)
    Love and happiness: few people will not be looking for these things in their life. Sometimes the search takes up a lifetime. Especially where unconditional love and happiness are concerned,... Meer
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    April 2019

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  • Qi, The power within (e-Book)
    info@nextcompany.nl Meer
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    November 2011

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  • Egyptian arch-gnosis, fourth part / 4 (e-Book)
    THE EGYPTIAN ARCH-GNOSIS 4 'What is the aim of the process of soul-rebirth? Surely it is to bring your self into a condition in which your whole being is capable of meeting and receiving... Meer
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    Maart 2018

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  • Mindfulness (Eng version) (e-Book)
    This book teaches you how to find peace and clarity within yourself. Even if life itself does not grant you that peace, mindfulness helps you to overcome stress and unrest instead of getting... Meer
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    Oktober 2014

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